Monday, May 18

Mama's hurt...

My ankle and knee are really hurting. I'm not sure what to do. I've been keeping ice on it and taking ibuprofen. I think I am going to take a few days off from running and hope that helps. The race is in 13 days!

Do you like my post title? Do any of you talk about yourself in third person? I do sometimes. And when I do I always call myself Mama. I have no idea why I do this. No one else calls me Mama. I usually only do this when I'm complaining. You know, like, "Mama's tired" or "Mama's belly hurts" Maybe I think it will make my complaints sound cute!

Oh well! Have a good Monday!


Billie said...

sometimes I would like to BE in 3rd person...does that count?

Colleen said...

Oh no, I'm sorry you are hurting. Definitely take a break and let your body heal.

Michelle said...

Quit your whining, you could be pregnant with twins like me!!!! I'm just kidding, hope you are feeling better soon. I think I am now having sympathy pains for you. The inside of my lip is all swollen, like it was scratched or something from braces... It's weird. Anyway, take it easy, I love you!!!

Shea said...

Definitely take it easy and rest up!