Monday, July 27

Vacation Pictures

Here are just a few cool shots I got while we were in Daytona.

Those were from a thunderstorm one evening. I love when I catch a shot of lightning!

This is a shot of our view from our balcony.

And just a fun one of a sailboat. I think sailboats on the water are so pretty!

Of course, I can't find all my pictures now that I am home! They are somewhere in my computer, I just have to figure out where I saved them! When I find them I will share some. Maybe some videos too!


Karen said...

Cool--you got some great shots! What kind of camera do you have? Love those lightning shots. I tried to get some a few times, but I don't think our camera is fast enough.

Shea said...

Beautiful pictures!

Jen said...

Hey Karen! I'm not exacctly sure what my camera is, how pitiful is that? It's in the car right now, so I can't check. I have a high-speed shutter function that I use when I'm trying to capture things like lightening and sports. I just just hold the shutter and it takes continuous shots. Sometimes, like with these storm shots, I have 200 pictures to sort through before I find a good one!