Saturday, April 18

Share a Smile Saturday

Bet you thought I forgot about SASS! I didn't, I've just been lazy about posting on Saturday. But this week, I did this the way I had planned and found this clip during the week.

I love the Bob and Tom Show. It's a nationwide morning radio show. I used to listen to it every morning on my way to work. I haven't heard the show in forever, but I had heard this clip before. It is definitely a funny one! I hope you enjoy it!

Now I hope you remember how SASS works, if not here's a recap!

1. Write and publish a Share a Smile Saturday post on your own blog.

2. In your post, mention my original Share a Smile Saturday post and link back to my blog.

3. Come back here and use Mr Linky by adding your name and the URL linking people directly to your Share a Smile Saturday post.

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