Wednesday, April 29

It's official...

And gross!










I only have 8 toenails.

I won't gross you out with pictures. It is apparently a common long distance runner's bane. It doesn't hurt. It is just freaky-looking and gross.

That is all...


Michelle said...

remember that year on your birthday when my toenail had fallen off so I put a bandaid on it and painted the bandaid like there was a toenail there??? That was funny... and a crazy birthday. Hope it continues not to hurt!!!

Colleen said...

I'm grossed out just thinking about it. You poor thing! (And thank you for NOT posting pictures!)

Karen said...

I had no idea ... hmmmmmmmm ... interesting. :o)

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Thank you for sparing us the pictures! LOL I'm glad it doesn't hurt!