Thursday, April 9

Back to the Dentist....

What? Already?

Yep, I had two cavities to be filled. I had one done yesterday. Unfortunately, it was very painful and still hurting this morning. For once, I was happy to return to the dentist this morning. I was scheduled to get my other filling today. I told the Dr. about my pain. She said that wasn't normal and fixed it while she filled the other other cavity. I'm feeling much better today than I did all day yesterday!

Now, my cavities are filled, my teeth are clean, so I'm done with the dentist for a while right???

WRONG...I'm off to the Orthodontist next. The Uber-Dentist! Even scarier that the original!

Oh, and more expensive!


Shea said...

Whatcha doing at the orthodontist?

Jen said...

Don't make me say it, Shea... Braces! Yes, at 31 I will become a brace-face!

Shea said...

I've thought about it myself but completely wimped out when they told me I'd have to have two teeth pulled. Good for you!

Colleen said...

You poor thing. So much tooth trouble. I hope things go smoothly at the orthodontist!