Thursday, August 14

First Day of School....

was yesterday. I am not as good at blogging as I'd hoped to be! I just don't seem to update as often as I want and I never have any new pictures loaded when I am posting! Maybe later tonight? Anyway, the first day of school went very well for the kids...and Me! I got so much done yesterday. After I got everybody off to school, I came home and had breakfast (real breakfast, Eggs!), went to school to serve lunch to the teachers (PTA commitment), cleaned the kitchen, watched Days of Our Lives during lunch (good thing too...Stefano is back!), cleaned upstairs (unfortunately got some glass splinters) :( made dinner and walked 3 miles with the dog! Whew! I was truly in SuperMom mode! So far today I have walked 4 miles, took a shower, did the dishes and I am currently watching Stefano poison the good citizens of Salem as I finish my lunch. After the show, it's off to Kroger to pick up something for dinner and get some things for our first Family Night tomorrow night. It's going to be Olympic themed! I'm looking forward to it!

And, now that I have made my guilty pleasure public...Any other Days of Out Lives fans out there? I know I'm not alone!

But for now I have to go, they will return for the second half of Days of Our Lives in just a moment...


Colleen said...

Okay, I'll confess; I watch DOOL! But pull-eez, what's with this silly gas that's coming out of the hospital air vents and making everyone hallucinate? This story line is not nearly as jaw dropping as the air plane crash where everyone got to die from lack of oxygen (and then come back). I was on the edge of my seat for that one!

Colleen :)

Julie said...

I am OBCESSED with Days!!!
Thank God for TIVO!!
I'm glad you like it, I have no one to chat about it with......My husband doesn't care about what happens with Jon and Marlena or Sami and EJ .....