Thursday, September 10

Writers Workshop

Today over at Kat's, she's hosting her weekly Writers Workshop. Yeah, I dropped the Mama from Mama Kat. We're tight like that now.


I chose Prompt #5.
Transcribe a recent entertaining conversation you recently had with someone.

Last night for dinner we had hamburgers and hot dogs with some steak fries and onion rings. Hey, I can't always cook gourmet meals!

Jim picked up the hot dogs at the grocery and these are what we had.

Since I live in a house with four (almost) teenagers, you probably won't be surprised to hear that we call hot dogs, wieners.


Toward the end of dinner, Rachel was looking a bit full. She still had half of her hot dog on her plate.

Upstanding, mature stepmother Me: "Are you getting full, Rach?"

Rachel: "I think so."

Me: "Don't make me tell your dad those wieners are too long for you!"


And yes, the aforementioned "upstanding and mature" step mother was the only one laughing. The. Only. One. Laughing.

In a room full of teenagers, I was the most amused. And honestly, I laughed as I wrote this. Hey, don't judge me! It was funny!


tee-hee-hee...long wieners... :D


Becky said...

You know I'm cracking up! Sounds like a lunchroom conversation back at good old HRA! I got your sweet card in the mail, by the way. Thank you!!!

My Life in Purple said...

*stopping in from Mama Kat's

I don't care how old you get, wiener is still a funny word!

Shea said...

Thanks for that, I laughed!!!

Colleen said...

What a goofball!

Michelle said...

While I laughed when I read this, it was nothing compared to Josh laughing when I read it to him... You can only imagine!!!

paula said...

That was funny teenage mom ...I have a very interesting resource to share with you .We live in a unique time. Never before in human history has so much food been available so cheaply all the time.Teenagers are reaching for the the quick food which is really bad for their health .As a parent we are responsible for the choices of the teenagers. Healthy eating habits